Easy Homemade Bed Bug Spray Recipe!

Here is how to make homemade bed bug spray, folks! Are you tired of sharing your bed with uninvited guests that bite and suck the life out of you at night? Well, say goodbye to those pesky critters, because today, I’m gonna show you how to make homemade bed bug spray that’ll have those blood-sucking freeloaders running for the hills! And we’re gonna do it in style, no fancy stuff, just real solutions. Let’s get to it!

how to make homemade bed bug spray

**Step 1: Gather Your Weapons**

– A spray bottle (the kind you’d find at any dollar store, nothing fancy)
– Plain old water
– White vinegar (because it’s like kryptonite to bed bugs)
– A dash of dish soap
– Essential oil (pick your fave, we’re not picky)
– Some elbow grease

**Step 2: Mix It Up**

– Fill that spray bottle up halfway with water. Don’t overthink it; just get some tap water and pour it in. We’re not brewing a potion here.
– Add about half a cup of white vinegar. Trust me, bed bugs hate this stuff. It’s like garlic to a vampire.
– Put in a few drops of your favorite essential oil. You want your spray to smell nice, right? Lavender, eucalyptus, or tea tree oil – it’s your call!
– A little dash of dish soap – just a teensy bit to make it all stick together. Don’t go crazy; we’re not making bubble bath here.

**Step 3: How to make homemade bed bug spray Shake, Shake, Shake**

– Pop that spray nozzle on and give it a good shake. Shake it like you’re dancing at a wild party – really get into it!

**Step 4: Spray ‘n Pray**

– Time to show those bed bugs who’s boss! Spray your homemade concoction all over your bed, your mattress, your sheets, and even your curtains.
– Make sure you get every nook and cranny. Bed bugs are crafty little devils, so be thorough!
– Let the mixture work its magic. It’s like bed bug kryptonite. They’ll be running for cover faster than you can say “ShamWow.”

**Step 5: Bed Bug Clean-Up Crew**

– Now, leave the spray to dry. Give it a little time to soak in and do its thing.
– After a while, grab a cloth and wipe down all the surfaces. Get rid of any dead or living bed bugs you see. It’s like a cleanup crew, haz mat style!

**Step 6: Repeat If Necessary**

– Don’t be surprised if you need to repeat this process a few times. Those bed bugs are stubborn little buggers, and it might take a few rounds to send them packing for good.

So there you have it, folks! Your very own homemade bed bug spray that’ll have you sleeping peacefully in no time. Say goodbye to those bed bug bitin’ nights, and say hello to a bed that’s bug-free! So go ahead, give it a try, and show those bed bugs who’s boss. Thanks for tuning in, and until next time, happy bug-busting!


how to make homemade bed bug spray